Met belangstelling las ik uw vacature voor de functie van bedrijfskundige. Graag kom ik voor deze functie in aanmerking.
Binnenkort verwacht ik mijn studie Bedrijfskunde aan de Open Universiteit af te ronden. De afgelopen jaren zat ik in de gevangenis, daarvoor was ik moslimterrorist maar dat moet u niet zo zien. Ja, ik kende Mohammed Bouyeri, de moordenaar van Theo van Gogh, hij is nog steeds mijn broeder, alleen wil ik het er niet over hebben. Iedereen kan nu trouwens weten dat Van Gogh nog had geleefd als hij de profeet Mohammed (Vrede Zij Met Hem) niet had beledigd. Ik wil verder kijken. Ik heb
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Zelf terrorisren doe je zeau:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHead of Syrian Rebels Calls for Terrorist Attacks On America
We knew that the Syrian rebels are mainly Al Qaeda, and that the U.S. has been supporting these terrorists for years.
And we knew that rank-and-file Syrian rebels have:
•Burned American flags
•Threatened to attack America
•Said: “When we finish with Assad, we will fight the U.S.!”
•And said: “We started our holy war here and won’t finish until this [Al Qaeda] banner will be raised on top of the White House. Keep funding them, you always do that, remember? Al Qaeda for instance.”
But even we were shocked to learn that the head of the Syrian rebels is also the global boss of Al Qaeda ... and that he is calling for fresh terrorist attacks on America.
CBS News reports:
Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri called has called on Muslims to continue attacking Americans on their own soil in order to "bleed" the U.S. economy.
"To keep up the hemorrhage in America's security and military spending, we need to keep the Unites States on a constant state of alert about where and when the next strike will blow," Zawahiri said.
Reuters noted in February 2012 that al-Zawahri is backing the Syrian rebels, and asking his followers to fight the Syrian government.
But al-Zawahri has since taken control of the main Al Qaeda rebel terrorist group in Syria: al-Nusra.
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